Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Reunion Footage

Kory and I received a VERY valuable package in the mail today. . . the video highlights from the Amazing Race!!! Thanks Stacy for sending that to us. We're thinking of having everyone from Billings (or wherever you may be traveling from) to get a little tipsy (well ok, drunk!) and watch the video. You will get to see highlights from the race track, the football field, and most entertaining of all, Trafton Park!!! We're thinking of having the reveal party the weekend of August 23rd. Post a comment if you can make it!

By the way Bonnie, we installed a security system, so don't even THINK of trying to break in and steal the video!!


BonnieD said...

Oh don't worry, I have friends at KENCO!!!!!!! If there's a will there is most certainly a way!!!

TraciG said...

Hey Brenda--

Let us know what time. We will be in Bozeman on Saturday for my cousins wedding and probably be back through on Sunday sometime. It would be great fun to watch it and even more fun to watch it with you guys!!

Take Care!

Kory Emond said...

Hey Traci

Give us a call on your way back and you guys can stop by and watch the video. We are right off the interstate by the Flying J truckstop.

Talk to you later
Kory and Brenda

TraciG said...


Staci French said...

Hope everyone enjoys the "viewing" party. It cracks me up when I watch it. Especially how at the start of the race everyone is so intense (Steph) and closer to the end they are walking, taking pictures, etc. I wish we could have had cameras on everybody the who race. Now that would be some reality TV. I am still trying to find my way around this bog site. They are having an ALL class reunion next summer, July 10-12, 2009, in conjunction with the City of Malta's 100th birthday. We have to send a class representative to the meeting after labor day. I am sure they will want addresses etc., so everyone be expecting something.

Staci French said...

Hope everyone enjoys the "viewing" party. It cracks me up when I watch it. Especially how at the start of the race everyone is so intense (Steph) and closer to the end they are walking, taking pictures, etc. I wish we could have had cameras on everybody the who race. Now that would be some reality TV. I am still trying to find my way around this bog site. They are having an ALL class reunion next summer, July 10-12, 2009, in conjunction with the City of Malta's 100th birthday. We have to send a class representative to the meeting after labor day. I am sure they will want addresses etc., so everyone be expecting something.

Brenda said...

Staci--that sounds like fun. I'll put it on the calendar for next year. I'm sure Kory will beat me to that!!!!

TraciG said...

It would be great to plan something for our bunch out at Nelson... I was wishing it worked out to boat and ski this year, but maybe we can work it out for next year.
I'm not sure that we will be able to stop on Sunday. We have a new hired man coming that night, so we have to buzz home in a hurry. Maybe we can work something out later though, as it seems we're in Billings quite a bit this fall.

Staci French said...

I think that might be fun. There are a few of us that have access to some cabins at Nelson. I am not much of a water person myself, in fact I haven't owned a swimsuit since I challenged the swimming class in college and luckily passed. I enjoy watching the spills from the boat though.

Staci French said...

I think that might be fun. There are a few of us that have access to some cabins at Nelson. I am not much of a water person myself, in fact I haven't owned a swimsuit since I challenged the swimming class in college and luckily passed. I enjoy watching the spills from the boat though.

Brenda said...

Traci--hopefully the next time through you can stop. Just give us a call! With hunting season coming up, I'm sure I'll be home! ha!

Staci--Nelson sounds like fun--just keep us posted and we'll bring the boat!!! we didn't get it out enough this year!